The aircraft order backlog is at its historical peak of more than 14,000 – about 38,000 aircraft are expected to be produced globally over the next 20 years, according to Deloitte.
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All industries supportedThe aircraft order backlog is at its historical peak of more than 14,000 – about 38,000 aircraft are expected to be produced globally over the next 20 years, according to Deloitte.
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The global automotive industry’s revenues exceed US$4 trillion, with 600,000 individual businesses directly employing nearly 5.7 million people. Its condition affects the wealth of nations.
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Chemical manufacturing is at the root of all other manufacturing activity. It is energy-intensive, costly and has a high carbon footprint, with petrochemicals the highest of any sector.
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The plastics and rubber industries are subdivisions of the chemical industry; around 60% of the world’s rubber is now produced synthetically. Global plastic production is led by China. It was 350m tonnes in 2017, with packaging accounting for 36% of the total. The world market for plastic products is forecast to reach US$1.2 trillion by 2020.
Metal fabrication involves a range of processes: cutting, burning, welding, machining, forming, and final assembly. Producers range from small job shops to multinational conglomerates.
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